D.K. Gaston stays in the world of science fiction with a character we first saw in XIII, Special Agent Jamaica Kurtz. In The Friday House, Agent Kurtz has recovered from the gunshot wound to the head, which she received in XIII, and has to cope with the loss of her partner. She returns from a six month medical leave and her first assignment is psychologically profile two dead terrorists, who were prominent and noted members of society and the U.S. government.
While she conducts the investigation, she realizes the gunshot wound has left her with clairvoyant abilities. She fights to interpret her visions as she delves in deeper into the case and picks apart the connections that the CIA and people associated with the White House desperately try to cover up.
D.K. Gaston does a masterful job of weaving intrigue, mystery, double-cross, murder, adventure and conspiracy into a well polished story. He uses misdirection and anomalies to keep the reader guessing. When you think you have the story figured out, D.K. hits you with more excitement to keep you guessing.
The Friday House by D.K. Gaston is a splendid read. He spins multiple characters into an old fashion “Who Done It’, while pushing the action and adventure similar to Tom Clancy. I love the plot. This is a fantastic book that keeps your interest from page one to the end. D.K. is a marvelous author and a very talented storyteller. I highly recommend this book for all readers of thrillers, conspiracy and mystery as well as to my science fiction followers.
Malcolm Dylan Petteway
Rage Books Reading Club